where is the best place in london to get laser hair removal?
Answer:I go to Renew Medica in Maddox Street near Oxford Circus station. I have had my first treatment already (costs me laser hair removal Georgia £52 a visit) but I trust them. First consulation is free and the staff there is very helpful. http://www.renewmedica.com
Answer:What is laser hair? Do you mean removal of hair by laser treatment? Don't know.
Answer:The answer is HOME! I bought my Epila from http://epila.tripod.com and it worked with me. It came with a 1 year gurantee and I am satisfied with how it works. It works on the laser hair removal Georgia root of the hair, so it has no effect laser hair removal Georgia on the skin. Harvar d University and many scientists agreed that this product works. Plus I can use it anywhere I want cuz its a small product!Note: Epila Kişisel Lazer Cihazı 400 YTL http://epila.tripod.com
Answer:im sure u can go to ur doctor and get it done there. Even if u can get it done by ur doctor then that would be the best because ur doctor would no u quite well.