I was just wondering if these laser hair removal Georgia techniques permanently remove the hairs?Thanks in advance :)
Answer:Hi:I am a Registered Nurse and I specialize in skin care and laser hair removal.Both electrolysis and laser hair removal are long lasting and are permanent hair reduction.Electrolysis is painful and has been around for at least 30 years. While laser hair removal Georgia it does reduce hair permanently it does so hair by hair.If you ever thought about laser hair removal now is the time. Here are some of the common questions asked about this revolutionary method of treatment:I utilize the CoolGlide laser technology so if you are not in South Florida and come in to Miami Laser Hair Removal make sure you look for an establishment that utilizes the CoolGlide ( it's the Rolls Royce of laser machines).What are the laser ha ir removal treatments like?The CoolGlide system laser hair removal Georgia is fast, disabling hundreds of hair follicles in seconds. The patented handpiece cools and soothes the skin as it glides along.Is laser hair removal long-lasting?Long-term data suggests that CoolGlide offers a significant advantage when compared to many other hair removal products and laser hair removal Georgia methods currently available.How does the laser hair removal treatment compare with other hair removal methods?Shaving and waxing and depilatory creams provide temporary results. These treatments must be repeated on a frequent basis. Electrolysis is time consuming, tedious and often painful.Does skin color make a difference?With other laser technologies YES, people laser hair removal Georgia with darker skin are not candidates. However, CoolGlide is the only FDA laser technology approved to safely treat men and women OF ALL SKIN COLORS without causing any damage to the pi gment.I hope in some way this helped you. Feel free to email if you have any questions.
Answer:From what I've heard from laser hair removal Georgia an electrolysis specialist, laser hair removal is not always permanent, but electrolysis is. It would take around 1 year to 1 1/2 years of electrolysis to permanently remove all of the hair in the area you laser hair removal Georgia are getting done. For electrolysis, you're probably going to have to visit the place you're getting it done at once a week for three months, and then once every two weeks for awhile after that. Gradually the time you go will spread further and further. Electrolysis is more painful because you are using a needle to take out each hair one by one.
Answer:Laser isn't laser hair removal Georgia permanent but electrolysis is. I don't know much about laser but I know about electrolysis. The only downside to it is it takes several treatments but once the hair is gone...its always going to be gone.
Answer:I have heard that when you get laser hair removal you sometimes have to go back afew years later and get it again, but the hair doesn't laser hair removal Georgia all completely grow back.
Answer:Electrolysis normally works but however sometimes it doesn't
Answer:no you need several treatments but the hair does become weaker and less of it