Tuesday, March 31, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: Can body piercing affect laser hair removal

I'm going to be getting laser hair removal on my stomach soon, and I know that the treatments can take up to a year. I've really been wanting to pierce my belly button for a while, and have been laser hair removal Georgia putting it off due to the hair on my stomach. I was hoping to get it done in the fall. Does anyone know if ha laser hair removal Georgiaving a navel ring will interfere with the laser or the rest of my treatments? I figure I can ask them, but I'd rather see if anyone else had that experience first.

Answer:If the Hair Removal Treatment Center is using current, pulseless, laser technology, you will not even have to take your belly ring out.If they are using IPL ( Intense Pulse Light ) you will indeed need to take it out.And what is this about taking up to laser hair removal Georgia a year for treatments ?Yo u should be getting 4 - 6 treatments only since the abdomen has a max of 70% telogen ( Dormant/Untreatable ) hair at any given time.So to take a year, that would mean that they anticipate only 10% or less removal during any one treatment, when the results laser hair removal Georgia should be double that.

Answer:They would probably just make sure you have the jewelery out while you're getting the treatment done, and then you could put it right back in again afterwords. So as long as you can get it in and out, it laser hair removal Georgia should be okay.

Answer:As long as the piercing is removable it should pose no problem.