Sunday, May 10, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: How does laser hair removal work

I would like to know how does laser hair removal work and after treatment does laser hair removal Georgia the hair fall out of the root and does the hair come back thiner and finer i have really thick and rough texture hair on my head i would like to get a removal 1 time to thin them out and laser hair removal Georgia so they feel nicer and softer will it work.

Answer:it is not the heat, the laser itself destroys the root by being attracted to the color of the hair. Before you get laser you should shave so the laser goes as far down as possible. I work here..www.michaelabboudmd.comI would suggest doing it 2 times about 4 weeks apart if you are looking for more of a thinner versus removal, maybe even space it 7-8 weeks!Good Luck!

Answer:I think the heat destroys the root eventually but it takes many applications.plz answer http://answers.;...