If you have done laser treatment for hair removal, how happy have you been from the results. Are they guaranteeing the results after a certain number of treatments that you get?? I spent so much money and I still laser hair removal Georgia have the same hair growing around my chins and upper lip. What do I do????
Answer:I am getting laser hair removal Georgia lazer treatments too from American Lazer but I got this package in which I get six treatments for a certain price and if my hair isn't gone by then I get free treatments for two years afterwards. 6 treatments are definitely not enough to get rid of facial hair. I have only just starting noticing changes and I believe I just had my 10th treatment this past month. You need to go laser hair removal Georgia talk to these people and tell them that you haven't seen results, see what they say and make sure they give you some sort of deal. If not you should swi tch to a different company that has a guarantee that if you don't get the results you want laser hair removal Georgia they will give you free treatments until you do or something along those lines Otherwise I truly believe that any company that doesn't give you those privileges are just money minded and don't really care about you. Good-luck!