Wednesday, April 22, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: Will the hair on my face grow back thicker after i shave it and get it treated with laser hair removal

i have a job at laser hair removal Georgia the bank and i wouldnt want ppl to see thick hair growing out of my face. they told me to shave the area that im treating and then come in to have it lasered, they said it wouldnt grow back thicker like shaving usually makes it grow out. has anyone had it done?? i know eventually it will not grow out anymore, but after the 1st treatment what does it look like?>??

Answer:NO don't shave it u could get razor laser hair removal Georgia bumbs and don't get laser treatment unless u fully research he place where u are goin to get the treatment. u should wax it it may hurt but stays away lonfer for about 2-3 weeks

Answer:I believe that hair growing back thicker after you shave it is a myth- but laser hair laser hair removal Georgia removal is awesome! I got it done on my legs and under my arms- my last treatment is coming up- It leaves my legs red and splotchy for a day or two after the treatment tho-and i'm not sure how it will respond to the sensitive skin on your face- laser hair removal Georgia i'm sure if you call the center and ask they could give you more info- oh and i always take some advil before the treatment- cuts down on swelling and pain- good luck!

Answer:I know someone who had laser treatment of the hair on her upper lip. Worked really great! Hair doesn't grow back thicker after you shave it--that's an old wives tale.