Not for me, well maybe if I get my legs done so I don't have to shave anymore,lol. No, my friend is planning laser hair removal Georgia on getting himself laser hair removal and im trying to find out how much he may be looking at for it.
Answer:You can expect it will cost between $50 to $600 per treatment depending on the size of the area treated and where you go to get it done. You will need 4-8 Tx depending on the hair type and where it is located. Make sure that you laser hair removal Georgia go to someone who is qualified and has good equipment. The site only lists providers who have received positive survey results from previous customers.Good luck.
Answer:I think your friend should wax his legs instead of spending a fortune on laser treatment. laser hair removal Georgia Laser is good for all hair but really meant for dark haired woman laser hair removal Georgia that have mustaches.hit me up at gurlyman1964@y-h-o-o.-c-o-m- if you want to chat me up.
Answer:It all depends on your hair, which laser you use, where you live, what your expectations are, the size of the area you want done (is it a big area like the legs or a small area like toes) and how many sessions you need. Laser removal is very expensive which ever way you look at it. Unless he is super hairy and embarrassed by it, I would suggest leave it.