Tuesday, April 7, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: Can i have da full explanation 4 laser hair removal

wats da name of da laser type(da most effective)?does it rily stop hair from growing back?what are da time periods b'w da sessions & hw laser hair removal Georgia many sessions r der?(4 upper lip)n if i cnt make it in tym o have transport problems?can i book my own appointments 4 all da sessions o will it affect da prrocdure?

Answer:There are many different types and kinds of lasers used during Laser Hair Removal Treatments. Technicians utilize different lasers because each laser emits a unique laser hair removal Georgia wavelength of light. The light wavelengths are successful depending on the patient's skin type. Today, individuals with skin tones ranging from white to dark/tan are able to undergo laser hair removal treatment in order to reduce un-wanted hair with positive results.The laser beam laser hair removal Georgia used in the laser hair removal device is directed at the hair follicles on the skin. The dark pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the laser light energy. Lighter skin does not absorb the light energy; in fact, energy dissipates. The follicle absorbs more and more energy, dies, and can no longer grow hair. While Laser Hair Removal Treatments are fast laser hair removal Georgia and effective, one individual treatment will not stop hair growth for good. Most patients will need anywhere from 3-6 treatments in order to reduce and often times completely remove any and all unwanted hair, but some might need as many as 8. The cost for LHR depends on the area treated. Cost can vary anywhere from $50 for a single laser hair removal Georgia treatment on the upper lip to $500 for a single treatment for full legs. The total cost then would be determined by how many treatment you will need for each area.