Can you tell me about the feeling laser hair removal Georgia during and after, the price and if it is really permanent. Who did it: a dermatologist M.D. or an aesthetician?I am thinking, upper lip, armpits and bikini line.
Answer:I had it done by a nurse on the back of my neck and it is still gone 6 years later. My wife had it done on her UA, bikini and legs and she laser hair removal Georgia had great results as well. Who is less important than their experience level and the equipment they use. You can go to for more information. The site has a directory of qualified providers with great experience and good equipment.
Answer:I had laser surgery for stretch marks and leg/arm hair. laser hair removal Georgia Before the treatment they applied a special lotion to protect my skin from burning from the rays. Afterwards it felt great; no hair, no stretchmarks. Plus, the ski n felt creamier and smoother. It cost me about $5,000 dollars, laser hair removal Georgia but insurance paid for it. I went to a laser clinic refered to me by my local dermatologist.
Answer:it was a buring sensation that lasted for days, and i was in extreme pain...the pain was so intense that i had to take morphine
Answer:My dad had the hair on this back lasered off. and it grew back again even though he had like 5 sessions of it. But i doubt it would grow back unless your as hairy as my dad.