I am considering going through laser hair removal. I went yesterday for my free consultation. I do understand that it is not permanent. It is a permanent hair reduction method. I am very white with dark hair, so I am a perfect candidate. laser hair removal Georgia I am 90% sure I want to go through this, as I have been struggling with hair my entire life. But I want to hear what people have to say. I have laser hair removal Georgia been waxing for years and I find it much better than shaving, but when I asked the lady if I could start waxing again after I have my 6 or 8 laser treatments, laser hair removal Georgia she gave me a funny look, saying "you don't want to stimulate any possible new hair, you should shave". But I know for a fact that shaving is not good for me. My hair would grow back like a man's beard. If you ha ve had laser hair removal, please give me your advice on this. Thanks a lot.
Answer:Shaving does not cause it to grow back like a man's beard. I would say wax if you want, I don't see why it would laser hair removal Georgia stimulate new growth.
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