I would like to get rid of some hair (facial and body) and I wonder which one will work the best. Have you tried electrolysis or laser hair removal and how do you like the results? I want something that is not going to laser hair removal Georgia damage my skin and will get rid of the hair forever. Money is not an issue. I've heard that electrolysis hurts a lot compared to laser.Thanks! :-)
Answer:I had laser hair removal and it worked extremely well. I also tried electrolysis once and it was like a woodpecker sitting on laser hair removal Georgia my forehead hammering away. If you get laser hair removal, make sure you go to someone with a good amount of experience and relatively new equipment. Any equipment that is laser hair removal Georgia over 4 years old or that costs less than $50K should be a concern. The attached sit es have more information and give service scores for a number of different providers.
Answer:Electrolysis is pretty old school compared to laser hair laser hair removal Georgia removal. It involves needles, and your face will get very swollen and red (My mom used to get it done) I would for sure go with the laser hair removal. After a few trips of laser hair removal, the hair should be gone (Electrolysis will also require laser hair removal Georgia more than one visit)
Answer:neither!i think u shud try out hair remval cremes rather thn laser treatment or sumthin.....none of our body n skin is the same so if sum1 gets better result thn than other thn its simply cuz of differences of skin type...but anyways, it dosnt matta if u have hair on ur body u can get rid of em by using cremes n stuff.....n if u really wann a try laser stuff thn u better consult a doc rather thn askin 4 opinions!
Answer:what laser hair removal Georgia are u talkin about?