Usually the treatment causes 1 to 3 hours and needs a repeated treatment every 6 months or 12 months until the laser hair removal Georgia whole hair follicle gets damaged. So how many times depends on the machine, the person doing the treatment and finally the body nature of yours. A treatment session may cost $400 to $3000 and more laser hair removal Georgia according to the area and clinical chargesDoes it works...... Yes but my personal advice is to go for natural waysHair removal can be of two methods one is epilation and second is depilation First one removes hair entirely and the second one removes the hair thats above the surface of the skin. If you want to laser hair removal Georgia remove hair permanently or for a long time, you have to choose the first option. Epilation methods arePluckingWaxing ( Sugaring )ThreadingEpilatorsMedi cationsTurmericElectrolysisLaserIntense pulsed lightVaniqaMore information can be found on how to remove hair from the above methods on .Depilation methods are also mentioned there
Answer:Looks like it can cost tens of thousands of dollars.I think I'll stick to waxing...
Answer:I think that it also depends on if you have sensitive/dry skin too... Not laser hair removal Georgia too sure. Sorry but I don't know the answer to this Q. I'd like to know too...Don't think it can be done in a single session either...
Answer:about $400 per session