Friday, June 26, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: Can i go for laser hair removal for facial hair if i have hypothyroidism

i have problems with thyroid so this means hormonal imbalance, is it an important factor to consider if i go for laser treatment to remove hair? how does it effect this laser hair removal Georgia treatment? plz help

Answer:<>< I have hypothyroidism and I have had laser treatments to remove hair. Why would you think that you would have problems with this?? It laser hair removal Georgia helped somewhat. After about 8 treatments, she told me the rest did not have a dark root so that they laser would not pick it up anymore. So, it did not get rid of the problem as well as I had hoped it helped somewhat. My mustache is not nearly as dark as it was. Again, I had about 8 treatments but she then told me that it would be pointless doing any more treatments because the roots laser hair removal Georgia on the ones left were not dark and the laser would not be able to find laser hair removal Georgia them. Yes, it stung a bit..not too bad. Helps if you do not have any caffiene for 24 hours before the treatment. Hope this helps!Also, the lady below may be right. I had been diagnosed with hypo about 7 years before I had this hair problem. I did have some problems with ovaries (not diagnosed with PCOS) but could be something other than hypo. Good to be tested just in case.

Answer:It shouldn't laser hair removal Georgia be a
problem at all with hypothyroidism. Because of the facial hair......have you been tested for PCOS. Quite often many women who are hypothyrid, also have PCOS. Increased facial hair can be a PCOS symptom. Testing for PCOs is blod work of fasting insulin, fasting glucose, total testosterone, progesterone, FSH, LH, and estradiol