Wednesday, April 8, 2009

laser hair removal Georgia: What are the best home laser hair removal products on the market

I'm currently looking into buying a Rio Salon Laser LAHR hair removal set which retails for approx ~ $120 online - this only removes one hair at a time but appears to be effective for most people. Are there any laser hair removal Georgia other similar *laser* products in this price range that offer multiple-hair removal capabilities? If you speak from personal experience, it's laser hair removal Georgia all the better! Thanks!

Answer:Okay, if i were you i wouldn't even think of LaserHairRemoval! As I watched on TV on Tyra, This girl had a laser hair removal on her stomach and it just burned . And then this other girl was just going to remove her facial hair, it burned her skin too! Now they are left with laser hair removal Georgia scars for the rest of their lives!Try waxing, or deplitory.

Answer:Ok, laser hair removal needs to be done a professional. I am in Winnipeg, and its not that expensive here. The reason some people get burnt is because they do laser hair removal Georgia it themselves or go to terrible places for very low prices. Report Abuse

Answer:Don't go to LCI clinics. They are unprofessional and unqualified. My family was burnt more than once by the laser treatment and marks were left on their faces. To laser hair removal Georgia make things worse the clinic was not willing to help. Make sure the place laser hair removal Georgia has the best staff and machine and are highly qualified. Report Abuse

Answer:The Rio laser is the only approved laser hair removal kit available to my knowledge. It is manufactured by a long standing U.K company and has passed all safety laser hair removal Georgia tests.The Rio laser uses a safe 808nm diverging diode laser system. It is not as powerful laser hair removal Georgia as a salon laser and requires more treatments, but then again it is a fraction of the cost!There are many horror stories out there, most of which are based on very old laser systems that are no longer used.

Answer:I would do research first before you write that check or give your credit number. Be careful of scams